I'm Pam.
Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm moving to Tumblr. OKAY JOKE LANG. I don't want to leave this account. :P

But based on the way college is going, random moments will be what's best.

80% of life is going to be math anyway. Who wants to hear about that?

ENTER if you will. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
'Til Death Do Us Part?

I am studying for Ma18. Believe it.

I will fly to MathVille now. No, seriously.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
State of Mind

And if I was a normal schoolgirl, I'd worry more about my first day of school than this.

But fate has other plans.

My first class is tomorrow at 10:30. But I'm going to meet up with Kris at Xavier Hall by 9:30. Thank god for a friend. :) I need to get away from this, in whatever way possible. I don't even care if I'm going to commute tomorrow and get lost while I'm at it.

And as it is, it will only be but a state of mind. And everything else will just be a mirage.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Trinoma and High School, Again. :)

Went to STC today with Belle, Pia, and Jode. Met up with Ms. Gino and saw Ms. Villavert and other teachers, yeah. :P

Trinoma. Didn't get to watch Blood because of the brownouts, haha. Just played Timezone for 2 hours and ate to the brim. Played Sims and PS2 in Belle's house, including dinner. Snagged a ride with Pia.

I just realized something. My ES is actually 1 hour and 30 minutes! So I have no break between my PE and ES, and I'll have to change, then run from SEC A to the Courts. But hey, magkatapat lang sila. :) And I was starting to think that my schedule looked way too good. No schedule's perfect, after all. :P

Monday, June 8, 2009
Schedule, Finally.

So look at the sched. It's not too bad. Thank You, God. :) You gave me ES, even if it's in the morning. And all the available Natsci classes were in the morning anyways. And there wasn't any Tai Chi class that matched my schedule at all, so fine, I'll go for basketball. Half-days on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I love Monday, swear.

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Because Randomness and Emo-ness Can Merge.

I have a Tumblr account already. But I am SO not going to abandon blogger. I don't think Tumblr's enough, I tell you.

They will have to coexist.

Tomorrow's online enlistment. Tonight, I pray to God that I may have the chance to get a bearable Natsci. and a decent PE. I'll try to get Env. Sci. if there are still slots. If I don't get that, I'll go for Zoology. I am so not going to take up Chem or Physics. PE...It'll be Taebo, Basketball, or Fitness Walking. WALKING!!! HAHA. Though I'll probably choose that during second year, so there will be less stress. God help me.

Block T gets 7:30 classes, he told me. OMG NOOOO. Ayoko.

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Ohana MEAns family. :D

MEA Prepcourse is over, but everything's only just beginning. I was actually planning to write a post last night, but I was too tired from the Amazing Race and fell asleep after a bath. Haha.

Thanks to Calvin, Quintin, Krichelle and the others. I can never get over the cross-dressing, burlesque, bromance thing my groupmates have. They even won an award!! XD And Bernice and Quintin won the HSM Award for their, erm, dancing in the Traveling Salesman part. And CONGRATS, guys. :P The late-night planning (even if I was only there for one day) paid off. I still don't know how we won the Overall Group Winner for the prepcourse, but the pizza was good, so I can't complain. HAHA. Too bad we aren't blockmates. :P


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